Meera, Your Beautiful Brown Eyes…

My Heart Belongs To A Brown Eyed Girl
My Heart Belongs To A Brown Eyed Girl
Those beautiful brown eyes of yours
Are pools of rich, unadulterated, undiluted coffee
They humble me, stumble me;
Stir me, spark me
They confine me, yet set me free.
Those beautiful brown eyes of yours
Have depths that lead right to your soul
They scare me, dare me;
Spur me, cheer me
They break me up, yet make me whole.
Those beautiful brown eyes of yours
Contain complete, absolute, unconditional trust
They drive me, derive me;
Phase me, chase me
They fill me up with responsibility, then make me combust.
Those beautiful brown eyes of yours
Make me believe that I am much more than I think am
They uplift me, encourage me
Support me, strengthen me
Raise me way up above, over the normal and the mundane.
Those beautiful brown eyes of yours
Are a constant reminder that I am now a mom
A fact that’s so excruciatingly simple, yet so painfully difficult
That there is the hat of accountability that I must now always don
That I must now strive always and forever
To be everything else later, first be a mother
That I must now strive always and forever
To be the person in your eyes,
That reflects right back at me.
To be the person in your vision,
The best that I can ever be.

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