Let’s Connect With Strangers, Let’s Make New Friends – The Opentalk App Review

Let’s Connect With Strangers, Let’s Make New Friends – The Opentalk App Review

William Butler Yeats once said, ” There are no strangers here, only friends you haven’t yet met.” But little did he know that the changing times would make the saying redundant at the least and dangerous at the worst.   Welcome to 2017, where talking to strangers is a folly with sometimes dire consequences. 2017,…

How Can I Survive SACH a Thing? A Calamity Of Catastrophic Proportions!

S Tendulkar – Not One In Millions, But One In Millenniums   If you didn’t already know, I assume you have been hibernating somewhere in northern Siberia with no television in your igloo, no Internet and possibly no food (and deservedly so)! Sachin Tendulkar is retiring… no…. has almost retired! He is already playing his…

That’s It! I’ve Had It With Refrigeration Ignorance! Time To Enlighten Myself & Others

Well, it’s been a while since I blogged and there is just so much to show and tell, I am practically bursting with it. While I was away nothing special really happened in my life, well, unless you count a fabulous trip to Sweden, a brand new Microwave, a day out (shopping of course) with…

3 Super-Handsome Hunks That Even Have Super-Awesome Talent!

Well let’s face it… there are several drool-worthy, drop-dead handsome, testosterone laden men out there… But seriously   though, not many have that added thing called talent… But whenever I find talent that comes in the handsome hunk package, I just cannot stop myself from expressing my joy. This blog is one such expression.   Oh…

James Bond Gadgets Vs. Tony Stark Gadgets; Which Are Better?

This weekend ignited an interesting debate between my husband and me. What started as a tiny spark on Saturday had become a full-on raging wildfire by Sunday evening. I for one had always had the inkling that the day would definitely come someday when Robert Downey Junior would come between us ‘normally loving’ spouses and…